At Biberach University of Applied Sciences, students from Architecture, Energy- and Civil-Engineering and Project Management have formed a strong interdisciplinary team.
Together we are working as Team X4S – Extension for Sustainability to achieve the project demands. Not only students and professors from all fields are working together but also researchers from various institutions collaborate on the ambitious and interdisciplinary project and share their specialist expertise.
Nadine Barner is currently studying wood building-project management/ civil engineering at the HBC. She is a qualified carpenter and responsible for the planning and construction of the House Demonstration Unit.
Vera Ciresa is studying in the bi-national Master of Engineering program at Biberach University of Applied Sciences. Her area of responsibility is the project management of the construction logistics of the House Demonstration Unit in Wuppertal.
Anna Diemer is currently studying for bachelor’s degree in architecture at Biberach University of Applied Sciences. She joined Team X4S in February 2021 and is responsible for CAD work and plan output.
Denise Ender studies architecture at the HTWG Konstanz and is currently doing her bachelor thesis. She supports Team X4S in drawing the work plans of the HDU.
Lucia Fechner is a trained carpenter and studies architecture at the HBC. In Team X4S she takes care of the further development of the landscaping regarding the Building Design.
Joshua Flaam is a qualified carpenter and currently studying wood building-project management/ civil engineering at the HBC. He is responsible for the planning and construction of the House Demonstration Unit.
Lena Frühschütz is graduate of the Master’s degree Energy and Building Systems at Biberach University of Applied Sciences. She is the project manager of Team X4S and coordinates the project conceptually and contentwise.
Andreas Gerber is Professor for Building Physics and Thermodynamics with a focus on Solar Energy Systems at Biberach University of Applied Sciences. He is the Faculty Advisor of team X4S.
Fabian Hieber is currently studying energy engineering in the 7th semester within the „Biberacher Modell TGA“. He is responsible for the planning, coordination and expansion of our technology unit in the area of technical equipment.
Marie-Lise Hofstetter studied architecture and architecture media management. She is responsible for the organisation, communication and sponsoring of Team X4S.
Tobias Jehle studies energy engineering in the „Biberacher Modell TGA“ in the 7th semester. In the Solar Decathlon team, he is responsible for planning and implementing the bathroom and technology module of the demonstration unit.
Isabelle Kehrle-Schäfer
Maren Laux is currently studying Architecture at the HTWG Konstanz.
Mari Lewandowski is currently studying the master’s degree Energy and Building Systems at the Biberach University of Applied Sciences. She is responsible for the building services.
Felix Löhr is graduate of the Master degree Energy Engineering at Biberach University of Applied Sciences. He creates the simulations and animations for the X4S team.
Max Möschl is currently studying wood building-project management/ civil engineering at the HBC. He is a qualified carpenter and responsible for the planning and construction of the House Demonstration Unit.
Sven Neubauer is currently studying architecture at Biberach University of Applied Sciences. He is responsible for the work planning and the details of the House Demonstration Unit.
Simone Nitz completed her Master’s degree in project management (construction) at Biberach University of Applied Sciences in autumn 2020 with her master’s thesis on the life cycle assessment of building structures. At SDE21, her focus lies on the project management.
Timo Pahl is currently studying in the Bachelor of Architecture at the HBC. He is responsible for the work planning and details of the House Demonstration Unit.
Florian Prüssing is currently completing the dual study program „Biberacher Modell TGA“. For Team X4S, he is planning innovative building services and is responsible for the planning and execution of the bathroom and technology module.
Vanessa Radunz is currently a master’s student in project management and is responsible for the construction logistics of the Demonstration Unit in Wuppertal.
Charlotte Schick is studying architecture as part of the Bachelor International at the HBC. In Team X4S she takes care of the interior design of the Building Design.
Max Schröder
Tarik Welch is a qualified carpenter and currently studying wood building-project management/ civil engineering at the HBC. He is responsible for the planning and construction of the House Demonstration Unit.
Thanks for being part of this amazing journey!
Joelina Bailer, Philip Baumann, Thomas Bischoff, Niusha Blookbashi, Jonathan Bundies, Antonio Castolo, Marco Epple, Sarah Fischer, Benedikt Friedl, Nadine Gerdung, Lena Günther, Julian Herdt, Matthias Hering, Victoria Herrera, Johannes Holtkamp, Timo Jehle, Veronika Kazmeier, Maxi Kehrle, Jonas Keppler, Simon Khater, Johanna Kleiser, Valentin Knöpfle, Maximilian Krubitzer, Cedric Kugel, Lukas Kurleto, Elias Laule, Mark Lawson, Leonie Leipold, Lena Lisowski, Robin Menig, Leo Moliner, Christine Nigg, Felix Oppold, Lukas Riegel, Tobias Ritter, Julian Rothdach, Johannes Ruf, Antonia Schoch, Jakob Straub, Sarah Sturek, Jakob Stüwe, Hannah Tesch, Tobias Vetter, Pius Weidner, Leopold Weimper, Karl Wild, Nikolai Winter, Vincent Wörtz, David Zellner
Professors and scientists from the Biberach University of Applied Sciences accompany and support us with their specialist expertise:
Team X4S is representing the HBC Biberach University of Applied Sciences at the Solar Decathlon Europe 21 Competition. The HBC stands for future-oriented, sustainable teaching, research and transfer as well as continuing education in the fields of biotechnology, energy, construction and real estate. These focuses are viewed from the perspectives of engineers, architects and business economists in a subject-specific and interdisciplinary manner.